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We offer software and services that can help save you money, free up your staff time, and better manage your practice.

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Our services include:
ICD-9/CPT/HCFS coding
Charge entry
Claim generation & transmission
Payment posting
Receivables management

Our staff is familiar with Medisoft (by NDC) and EZMed (by Integrys, Inc.).

Claims Processing Solutions
Processing within 48 hours of receipt of Superbills
Use of EZMed software (see below) is included in our claims processing solutions; you get to use all the software capabilities, but we do the processing for you  Optional electronic claims submittal using national clearinghouses or direct filing with carriers.

EZMed Software
Web-based application accessible from anywhere at any time.  It includes billing, appointments, payments, receipts & a desktop module for electronic claims.  It can generate a variety of standard and ad hoc reports to help manage your practice.
Easy to use desktop application with Billing & Appointments features
Hybrid package, combining the best features of the web-based and desktop applications, allowing offline processing and web synchronization of data
Flexibility to choose only the components that you need - you can choose to subscribe to the EZMed software only and use your own staff for claims processing.

System Requirements
Pentium® 4 or faster Intel® processor with Microsoft · Windows® 2000 or XP operating system
256 MB of RAM (512 MB recommended) and 100 MB of available disk space
Broadband Internet access for web-based software
Fax machine for sending Superbills (for claims processing services)
We also provide setup and training, support & maintenance, and data conversion services (currently from Medisoft to EZMed).

Records Management
Our records management software (PaperChase/DMS) and services can help you store and retrieve medical records & patient charts (including diagnostic and treatment information such as lab results, medication and radiology results) more efficiently.

We can scan and digitize your archived records and set up hardware and software systems for digital records management.

EZMed Desktop software as low as $99 one-time (no recurring charge)
EZMed Web software as low as $29 month (pay as you go)
Optional claims processing under $1 per claim
Scanning as low as 7 cents/page
PaperChase/DMS software as low as $99 one-time (no recurring charge)
Itemized services from $20 per hour
Call for a free no obligation quote

We offer providers a no cost evaluation during a trial period so that you can evaluate our services. There are no long-term commitments on your part.

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