
The PaperChase family of software products
by Amicus help manage medical records and documents,
generate reports from databases, and facilitate compliance
with the privacy and security requirements of HIPAA.
We are also an authorized re-seller of EZMed products
by Integrys, Inc.
PaperChase products
PaperChase/DMS for records management facilitates
sorting, cataloging, searching, viewing and printing
of electronic medical records. It allows you to tailor
levels of access to different users, log transactions,
and manage document workflow. Users can send messages
pertaining to documents from within the system interface.
Upon logging in, users are notified of any new messages.
The program can help you locate the original paper copy
of records and track their discard dates after which
the paper records can be discarded /destroyed. Electronic
files can be easily archived on CD or DVD media. Insertion
of the CD brings up a local web page (HTML) from which
all documents on the CD can be viewed and opened. Medical
images can be opened & viewed with a DICOM viewer,
and other files such as Word and PDF documents with
their respective programs.
Incognito allows
you to encrypt a selected field in any Access database,
using your own password. The data in the field can be
restored using the same password. This is useful if
you intend to share your database with another user,
but want to protect confidential data such as Social
Security Numbers.
Morph allows you to replace individually
identifiable data in an Access database with realistic
surrogate data. For example, actual last names can be
replaced with surrogate last names randomly selected
from Census data. Similarly, actual Zip codes, area
codes can be replaced by surrogate data. All other data
remain unchanged. This is useful when you want to preserve
the structure and functionality of an Access database,
but want to conceal individually identifiable information.
Any queries and reports in the database will still run.
The actual information can be restored if needed.
Slice allows you to obtain a randomly
selected subset of your data, while preserving database
objects. This is useful when you want to audit your
database, but don't want to work with the actual larger
PaperChase/Reports allows you to generate
editable reports in Microsoft Word from Microsoft Access
databases. This is useful for reports of a repetitive
nature where the template remains the same but some
of the text changes depending on the data.
Amicus, Inc. is an authorized re-seller of EZMed products
for medical practice management.